“Matanot Laebyonim” – Purim 5775

 Dear Friends

As we approach Purim let’s focus on the incredible sacrifice made by Queen Ester to save the Jewish People. It is no relationship with an ally, but rather her very own life that she put at risk!! And only

Our Sages comment that her act for the sake of G’d to save His people made her worthy of becoming His direct representative: Ester in Hebrew means hidden for G’ds name only appearing in the Book of Ester hidden behind the very name Ester. What a merit well deserved for her self-abnegation not thinking twice before risking her own life to help her people in danger.

Helping each other is the essence of the Purim holiday which will remain between “Mishloach Manot”- sending gifts to each other and “Matanot Laebyonim”- helping the poor so as in Queen Ester’s days, G’d can bring us redemption now Amen!

This year Netiv Meir Foundation call upon your good heart and wants to help you accomplish the mitzvah of Matanot Laebyonim, which according to our Sages needs to be given on Purim day itself. Our upcoming Bar Mitzvah event (brochure encl.) will take place after Passover and beezrat Hashem we want to complete our order of 180 pairs of Teffilines this coming week so they can be ready on time for the event. All donations received by Thursday noon (Israel Time) will be transferred immediately.

  • 1 Pair Teffilines $320
  • 1 Set Tallit Teffilines Bag Kipa Siddur $490
  • 1 Complete Bar Mitzvah $926

Send your donations as follows:

  • Mail check to AFCS Netiv Meir 9461 Charleville Blvd Suite 118 Beverly Hills CA 90212.
  • By credit card with Square go to our site mkt.com/afcs-netivmeir. Or email us at meir@netivmeir.org.

Tizku Lamitzvot Purim Sameach

Meir Barchichat